As part of the discussion raised by the reading of the book "Wonder", the School Counselor (Orientadora Educacional) Andréa Cíntia Beltrão Remón is helping the group of A2A teachers by having a series of chats with the students about bullying - definition, forms, laws, etc - orientating students about how they should behave in a situation where they are bullied or see someone being bullied.
Students are having the chance to ask questions, to talk about their fears and to get to know about their limits in relation to their behavior towards other people.
She is sharing with the students the video on the Brazilian "Wonder", a ten-year-old boy from Espírito Santo who has suffered bullying since he was born but deals with it in a good way because he has a high self-esteem.
The Counselor warns the students about the importance of respecting others and of loving themselves before loving another person, that is, having high self-esteem.